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Porn post moderne : Annie Sprinkle, grande prêtresse du sexe

Sert José Maria (dit), Sert y Badia José Maria (1876-1945)
Etude de nu pour des compositions décoratives : Couple

Annie Sprinkle

Brassaï, Matisse dessinant un nu dans son atelier de la rue des Plantes

Brassaï, cliché galant d’une fille en lingerie

Molinier Pierre (1900-1976)
« L’oeuvre, le peintre et son fétiche »

Marcel Mariën, les poseuses

Annie Sprinkle, Remembering

Annie Sprinckle

Pierre Radisic

« The Bosom Ballet is a performance in which I stretch, pinch, squeeze, twist, rock, roll, and jiggle my breasts to music, usually “The Blue Danube Waltz,” under a pink spotlight. I wear opera-length black gloves and a tutu. Over the years I have also done various other styles of bosom dance. There was the Bosom Tap Dance, which I performed in a nightclub off Broadway. I glued taps all over my boobs and fingertips and amplified the sound as I tapped away. Then there was the Bosom Ballet Folklorico I did to Peruvian music at a party on Puerto Rican day. In Slovenia, home to Lawrence Welk’s forebears, I did the Bosom Polka with a real live polka band on national television. (On the same show—Slovenia’s version of the David Letterman Show—my girlfriend Kimberley Silver and I performed Slovenia’s first televised lesbian kiss.) In Berlin, I did the Bosom Samba with a live samba band in a football stadium during half-time (something I would never be allowed do in the U.S.A »

Annie Sprinkle, Bosom Ballet

Polaroïd transfers de Annie Sprinkle

Annie Sprinkle

Jean Marc Nattier, fête galante, 1744



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